Step-1: Completed
Last Step: Customize Your Order with AppointBee AI Pro-Lite
Step-3: Access AppointBee AI


Unlock Pro Features + Secret Software To Find Thousands of Businesses...

...Ready To Buy Your AppointBee AI Services! Reach Out In A Single Tap, Without Cold Calling, Without Hard Selling or Endless Rejection!

  • Unlock Special Bonus Tools & Features Worth of $6950
  • Embed Appointment Booking AI On Any Page Builder Including your favourite ones
  • Get Paying Clients Fast and Easy, Without Cold Calling
  • Unlock Unlimited Website Licenses
  • Create Unlimited AppointBee AI Campaigns & Get Unlimited Appointments
  • Get Leadlock Pro & My Convert Lab

Upgrading To The Pro Version Is Highly Recommended For Local Businesses Who Want Even Better Results, Fast!

Get AppointBee AI PRO + Leads For Extremely Low Price!

100% Money Back Guarantee

Hey, Harshal here With My Partner Nakul

Hey, it’s Harshal Jadhav here with My Partner Nakul

Firstly Welcome to AppointBee AI and congratulations on making one of the smartest decisions in your business this year…

You just got access to advanced technology that’s going to help you Skyrocket Any Local Business Appointments and help you get hot leads and sales in no time Using this Brand New AI Appointment Boking Engine!

With AppointBee AI you’re finally able to deliver a profitable and simple service that local biz owners desperately need right now.

We Want To Help You Get More Customers And 10X Your Appointments…

Before you get started we want to give you the chance to upgrade your account.

We tried to pack as many features and values into AppointBee AI on the front end as possible… But, we did have to leave out some amazing features and tools to make the software affordable and accessible to everyone.

This does include some advanced features and tools that many serious Businesses would want to get access to in order to maximize their results.

So, if you’re one of those serious Businesses interested in using the app to its full potential and take your results to the next level in no time, then AppointBee AI Pro License is for you…

Upgrade To AppointBee AI Pro NOW…
And Unlock Thousands Of Dollars Worth Of
Game-Changing Features & Bonuses…

With AppointBee AI Pro License You Are Getting:

Unlimited Staff Licenses

Let your team do the magic. With AppointBee AI Front end License, You Get 10 Staff License. However, with AppointBee AI Pro, Unlock Unlimited Team Members License and Manage all things easily from a Central Dashboard.


Unlimited Appointments License

AppointBee AI Pro gives the license to get unlimited Appointments. It means unlimited income for you!

In your Appointbee AI Front End Licence, you can Generate only 5000 Appointments. But with Appointbee AI Pro License you can get unlimited appointments for a lifetime. Perfect for marketers and businesses.

Unlimited Website License

Embed AI Appointment Booking Engine on as many websites as you like, forever! Perfect for agencies, affiliates, consultants, local marketers and multiple biz owners!


Unlimited Email and SMS Reminders

Send As Many Email and SMS Reminders as Possible

In Front End Version, You can send 10000 Email and SMS Limit, But With AppointBee AI Pro License You can Unlock Unlimited SMS and Email Reminders and Make sure all Your Customers reach on time

Showcase Unlimited Services

AppointBee AI Pro gives you ability to showcase unlimited Services. It means no limits for you!

In your Appointbee AI Front End Licence, you can List only 10 Essential Services. But with Appointbee AI Pro License you list unlimited services for a lifetime. Perfect for Bussinesses with Multiple Services.


Build Custom Audiences -
Facebook Pixel And Google Tag Manager Integration

Easy Facebook pixel and Google tag integration in a couple of clicks.

Now you can build custom audiences for remarketing and fire events based on the Appointment Bookings. You can even create custom audiences who didn’t complete your Appointments!

Setup Auto Timings

Although In most cases, you will have appointments settings 'open to book' all the time, However in Special Cases you can choose to Keep it open on a Specific Times. E.g. Morning 9 AM to Evening 5 PM and so on.


Email to Reschedule No-Show

Powerful Feature asking no-shows to Reschedule their appointment. Send Email and SMS Reminders to Reschedule the Appointments getting them back to website and to the AppointBee AI appointment booking system

Easy Rescheduling Options

Make it Extremely Easy to Reschedule Clients Current appointments

Clients Simply Talk to AI To Reschedule appointments and Get confirmation over email


Branding Options | Color Customizations

Get additional options to Setup your Own Branding into the AI Appointment Booking! Showcase your brand logos and increase customer loyalty

Easy Marketing Automation

Easily manage data, workflows and automation sequences across all your favourite marketing platforms and 3rd party tools.

Perfect for serious marketers who are ready to scale their income fast.


Get AppointBee AI PRO + Leads For Extremely Low Price!

100% Money Back Guarantee


Upgrading to the Pro version is highly recommended for Local Businesses & Marketers who want even better results, fast!

Plus, Unlock a Secret Software..

..To Quickly Find Business Owners Who Need Your Help With Appoitment Booking and Secure This Secret Client Finder Tool Worth $497 For Free…

AppointBee AI Leads

($497 Value, Included Free With AppointBee AI Pro)

To Find Hungry Buyers You had only Few Options till now


Option 1 - Search Google

This can work, but it’s slow and boring. Clicking on every search result, scouring every website to see if they have a decent booking system, searching for contact details to reach out to them.

This requires days of backbreaking work for a tiny handful of leads.

Option 2 Cold Call & Email

This works too, but it takes a long time to find the right contact details and you need to know what to say in your email or on call.

And it will get sent to the spam folder or trashed on first sight by their secretary.


Option 3 - FB & Google Ads

This works if you know what you’re doing.

But most of the time, it will simply drain your wallet and cost you days, weeks or even months trying to figure it all out.

Option 4 - Fancy Marketing Funnel

We love funnels but they’re hard work too. Creating content, reports, videos, landing pages, emails…

and all those expensive tools to build everything from scratch! What if you didn’t need any of that?


What If I Told You There’s A Much Easier Way To Find Dream Clients Who Need Help With Their Booking Systems And Are Ready And Waiting To Pay You Money Today?

Imagine you could push a button and instantly reach out to thousands of these clients tonight — and wake up to a bunch of PayPal sales!

Introducing AppointBee AI Leads


Instantly brings you local biz owners who need help with their booking systems in 2 simple steps, So you can quickly get paid without cold calling, advertising, networking, or competing against hundreds of other consultants!



Enter a keyword and location to instantly uncover thousands of local business owners who desperately need your help with their booking systems.


Click a button to instantly email each client, showing them how they could double their appointment bookings overnight, along with an offer for your services.


Within Seconds You Can Find Clients Who Need Your Help And Are Ready To Pay You Big Bucks


Search by keyword to find specific businesses you want to target

Just tap a button to instantly uncover thousands of local biz owners in red hot niches who need a better booking system right now!

Search by location to target clients in specific areas

Want to target your local area? Done. Want to go after a big city with high income clients who can easily afford your services? Done.

Want to dominate city by city, country by country, for all the money you can handle? Done.


Filter results for even hotter leads

See which sites are already using overpriced, expensive appointment scheduling tools. These are easy pickings, because you can offer a better booking system for a fraction of the price they’re already paying!

Instantly saving the biz owner thousands per year. It’s an offer they can’t refuse :)

Find local biz owners who don’t use any booking system

AppointBee AI Leads will show you the websites that are relying on phone calls to book appointments and losing money every day as a result. More easy pickings! Just tap to send them a ready-made email that sells them on your offer!


Watch AppointBee AI Leads In Action Here

Finally Eliminate The Rejection And Backbreaking Work Of Trying To Find Clients


No more endless rejection - and instantly reach out to local biz owners who have a real problem and need your help!


Save hours of backbreaking wor - no more manual Google searches, blogging, building funnels or networking for clients


Save thousands on Paid ads – AppointBee AI Leads brings red hot leads and desperate clients to your doorstep in seconds, for free!


Fresh Leads In Mins – Biz owners who don’t have an optimized booking system on their website and are losing customers and cash every single day because of it. All we have to do is tap a button to instantly reach out and show them the problem and how they can fix it themselves… or with our help!


Thousands of Clients Waiting - You’ll be SHOCKED when you see how many businesses don’t have an effective appointment booking system in place! With AppointBee AI Leads, you’re getting an endless supply of highly targeted, ready-to-buy clients without the usual hard sell or rejection.

HANDS DOWN, AppointBee AI LEADS Is The...

Most Powerful Way To Get Clients For Your New AI Booking Service!

Here's why -

  1. You’re Showing, Not Telling - clients can see with their own eyes what the problem is and why it needs fixing fast. You don’t need to write emails or do any hard selling. It’s all 100% automatic!
  2. You’re Providing Value - clients can follow your advice and suggestions themselves, or they can just hire you. Either way, you’re providing value, building trust and not doing any hard - selling!
  3. You’re Totally Avoiding Cold Calling - instead you’re emailing clients that already have a problem with their booking system - and with your help, you’ll get them get more appointments, customers and cash!

Getting Clients Has Never Been Easier…

… just push a couple of buttons, then sit back and let AppointBee Leads find you thousands of clients who desperately need your help.


Can you afford to ignore this
easy, fast and free client getting system?

The way I see it, you have two choices…

Choice #1

Keep cold calling, advertising, building funnels, relying on word of mouth or pumping out endless content to **HOPEFULLY** get clients…


Choice #2

Instantly uncover real local biz owners who need your help TODAY, then push a button to instantly send them an email showing them the problem, how it’s killing their business, and how you can help - without cold calling, advertising, hard selling, or “hope n’ pray” marketing!

The Choice Is Yours!

But Wait, there's more

Order in the next 4 minutes and you’ll automatically lock in these extra Fast Action bonuses that will help you win even more paying clients today, including:


Complete Done For You Powerpoint Presentation ($497 Value)

Use this ready-made presentation to effortlessly sell your service to clients, even if you hate selling and don’t know what to say.

Use it as an online webinar, or turn it into a YouTube video or video sales letter and let our expert slides and carefully crafted copy do all the selling for you, converting local biz owners into paying clients fast and easy.

We’ve figured out exactly what to say to convert as many local biz owners into clients for you from day one, and it’s all packed into this eye-opening presentation that you can use for your business, completely royalty-free and without any of our branding on it!



Done For you Email Templates ($297 Value)

This carefully written email templates will have potential clients drooling at the mouth to hire you, using smart copywriting tactics and influence triggers that practically force them to open, read and respond to your email with a YES!


Done For You Contracts ($397 Value)

Use these ready-made pro contracts to show clients you’re serious, protect yourself from any legal issues and help them understand exactly what you’re offering and exactly what they can and cannot expect from your service.



Reseller Rights to Reddule ($297 Value)

The first and only "all-in-one" training and software for getting targeted traffic and leads on autopilot from Reddit while simultaneously protecting your reputation and Reddit 'Karma'!

Reddule is a total solution for providing targeted traffic and leads businesses can count on longterm to make sales with.

It's is divided into two parts, a step-by-step training program and groundbreaking automation software.

And unlike other tools, there are no monthly fees!

Let’s Recap

Upgrade To AppointBee AI Pro + AppointBee AI Leads

Right Now And You’re Getting:

Special Bonus Tools & Features Worth of $6,970


    (Bonus $297 Reddit Automation Software and Training)





That’s thousands of dollars worth of tools and killer new features to help you get more appointmentsand make even more money with AppointBee AI starting now…

… but you don’t have to pay anything close to that!

In fact, you’re getting all of these advanced goodies for just one tiny fee instead!

Get AppointBee AI PRO + Leads For Extremely Low Price!

100% Money Back Guarantee


Upgrading to the Pro version is highly recommended for Local Businesses & Marketers who want even better results, fast!

We’re Taking On All The Risk

If For Any Reason You Are Not Satisfied With The AppointBee AI Pro In The Next 30 Days, Just Let Our Support Team Know And We’ll Issue You A Prompt Refund. No Questions Asked. It Means, A Full 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee!

Try AppointBee AI PRO for 30 Days, Risk Free!


We’re 100% convinced you’re going to love how easy you can create 10X Your appointments with AppointBee AI PRO in minutes…

But if you don’t agree, we’re offering you a full 30-day money-back guarantee!

There’s nothing to lose.

  • 10X your Appointments faster
  • Scale Your Business
  • Engage more people and get more appointments
  • Automate appointment generation process and save time
  • Save your heaps of money!
  • And much more…
So Why Wait?

For One Tiny Investment, All Of These Powerful Money-Boosting Features Are Instantly Unlocked And Ready For You To Cash In With… Right Inside Your Dashboard… Right Now!

Get AppointBee AI PRO + AI Leads For
Extremely Low Price

Try for $7 Today!

Retail Price - $247/Quarter
Today's Special Price

AppointBee AI Pro-Lite

100% Money Back Guarantee


Upgrading to the Pro version is highly recommended for Local Businesses & Marketers who want even better results, fast!

Frequently Asked Questions

new Do I really need to upgrade to the AppointBee AI Pro version?

Yes, it’s highly recommended for serious marketers/entrepreneurs who want to work with multiple staff/ multiple clients and who want to generate unlimited appointments by creating unlimited campaigns.

Plus, you get additional powerful features and bonuses which are not available in the Front End version.

new Is this Good For Agencies?

You, In fact this Package is Best for agencies and Entrepreneures alike.

new I want to generate unlimited appointments for my business, is this pack really helpful?

This AppointBee AI Pro license gives you the power to generate unlimited appointments for a lifetime – it is a must for businesses, marketers and agencies!

new IS AppointBee AI Leads Helpful?

You, In fact its perfect if you are looking for more clients in your business

100% Money Back Guarantee

No Thanks, these killer features and bonus tools won’t help me. I’ll pass